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Pilates instructors, yoga teachers, fitness trainers, physical therapists, and exercise physiologists

This Simple 3-Step Framework Has Transformed the Way 3000+ Pilates Instructors Really Understand the Body To Help Their Clients Recover From Injuries Faster

Will it Work For You Too?  

Several years back, I developed the Whole Person Framework for Pilates instructors and movement professionals to help their clients recover from injury faster.

It’s based on 6000+ research papers published in acclaimed journals and the latest clinical guidelines.

10,000s of hours of in-person hours research went into creating this evidence-based framework.

I’ve condensed the core concepts into a 306-page book (with 218 citations) called Strengthen the Person, Not Just the Body Part.

My team and I have successfully taught 3000+ Pilates instructors and movement professionals these same core concepts to over inside our one year internationally recognized Diploma of Clinical Pilates.

(Google “Diploma of Clinical Pilates” and you’ll find almost 300 reviews with a 4.9-star rating)

The goal of Strengthen the Person is to show you a simple, easy-to-apply and 3-step framework that has been proven to work literally thousands of times.

This means it’s predictable, and when you learn it, will work for you too.

You’ll learn how to apply what you already know in a way that helps your clients recover faster.

You’ll learn how to get your clients to tell you the answers and solutions to their problems.

You’ll always know what to do with any client with any injury or pain.

You’ll always feel confident what you doing actually helps your clients recover without worrying whether it’s potentially making things worse. (Especially when a client says it hurts when they do the exercise)

You’ll always know the answer to any question and you’ll never feel like you don’t know enough again.

Without memorizing lists of anatomy, movements, exercises or take weekend certifications again.

Until now, you can only get the methods you’re about to learn by making a significant financial and time investment to join our 12-month Diploma of Clinical Pilates.
Ever Felt Like You’re in the Studio All Day… But in a Very Really Sense You Feel Like You’re On Your Own A Lot of the Time?
I truly want you to experience the results and transformations described above.

I truly want you to live your full potential.

And I truly want to introduce you to our international Pilates community of like-minded instructors.

Instructors around the world who all share the same passion and sense of belonging as they work towards the common goal of HELPING YOUR CLIENTS TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY!

I host weekly LIVE sessions, Q&As, hangouts and workshop series on topics of your choice every week.  

You’ll always stay up-to-date with the latest research, practices and trends as the science changes.

You’ll always have the chance to ask me any questions you have so I can personally help you solve any problems you have.

I can only personally help a limited number of Pilates instructors on these calls, and will likely remove this when we’ve reached that number.

Come join us?
You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  

Strengthen The Person, Not Just The Body Part Works

Here’s What’s Inside Strengthen the Person and How it Helps Pilates Instructors Really Understand How the Body Works So You Can Get the Best Outcomes For Clients
Strengthen the Person, Not Just the Body Part consists of 18 chapters packed full of practical, evidence-based strategies to help you become a confident, fearless Pilates Instructor and movement professional.
  • Chapter 1: A more genuine & effective way to work
  • Chapter 2: Who this book is for
  • Chapter 3: Learn from my mistakes
  • ​Chapter 4: The single most important thing to learn from this book
  • ​Chapter 5: The problem with graded exercise
  • ​Chapter 6: Why this is the best rehabilitation method in the world
  • ​Chapter 7: Overview of the Whole Person Framework
  • ​Chapter 8: How to build a therapeutic alliance
  • ​Chapter 9: Understanding pain
  • ​Chapter 10: Physical assessment
  • ​Chapter 11: How to reduce symptoms
  • ​Chapter 12: How to use graded exercise
  • ​Chapter 13: Rehabilitation is just graded exercise
  • ​Chapter 14: The simple tool that makes exercise programming easy
  • ​Chapter 15: How to build psychological resilience
  • ​Chapter 16: The importance of understanding anatomy
  • ​Chapter 17: Where to find specific exercise considerations for injuries & conditions
  • ​Chapter 18: How to implement the Whole Person Framework with your existing clients
When you read through the book (or listen to the audiobook) you’ll understand how the body works (without learning more anatomy or exercises) so you can apply what you already know to help you clients get the best outcomes.

No more feeling like you don’t know your stuff, like a fraud or panicking when a client asks you why something hurts.

Here’s a closer look at everything you’ll discover when you dive into Chapters 1 to 6

For Only $4.99

  • Discover how to pinpoint exactly what's going on in your client's body so you can confidently provide evidence-based methods that will help them overcome or manage their pain. (This is how you’ll feel more assured, authentic and will never feel like you’re faking it until you make it again)
  • How to use the easy-to-use Whole Person Framework to build strength and confidence even if they’re experiencing pain and discomfort.
  • Help clients feel MUCH better physically, mentally and emotionally while reducing their fear of moving injured or painful body parts.
  • Get all the tools to feel more confident as a Pilates instructor with a revitalized feeling of satisfaction and purpose.
  • The real reason you sometimes feel inauthentic when working with people who are in pain or injured.
  • How to use this evidence-based approach to understand how everything works while giving you REAL confidence because it works.
  • Change the way you think about helping clients to get better outcomes in less time by applying your existing knowledge rather than learning new skills.  
  • Become completely free of anxiety, self-doubt and the pressure to know all the answers without having to learn any new exercises, special tests or other approaches.
  • Why you don't need to know everything about every condition or diagnosis your clients have to provide the best possible care.
  • [SUCCESS STORY] Amy went from feeling stale and stuck to giving world class guideline compliant care for all her clients and how you can do the same.
  • What’s stopping you from giving the best possible care to your clients? Take the simple test on page 25 to know exactly where you are, what you’re capable of and (more importantly) what you need to do next.
  • Avoid the THREE biggest mistakes I’ve made in my 20+ year career (and how to effectively apply the hard lessons I learned along the way)
  • Discover why I’m so obsessed with strengthening the whole person and not just focusing on the sore body part. And why you should do the same to get better results.
  • Focusing on a single modality, body part or tissue type is a HUGE problem. Find out why, and what to focus on instead in Chapter 3.
  • Why weekend certification courses, rote learning anatomy and other programs don’t connect the dots and give you a coherent picture of how everything in the body fits together.
  • Learn (and master) the core principles and basic foundations of rehabilitation and movement to become a confident and fearless instructor.
  • How to help your clients change their behavior so they recover faster (and become happier and healthier) using empowering language. Yes, the words you use can have a huge impact on the way you help people.
  • Memorizing muscles, ligaments, bones, insertions and movements is NOT learning and why this approach is guaranteed to make your life as a Pilates instructor difficult.
  • Create a picture of how the body works in your mind so you never have to remember what the muscle does because you'll be able to figure it out.
  • Are you a shallow or deep learner? Discover the difference between each type of learning and which type of learning YOU should focus on to become the best version of yourself. 
  • The biggest reason Pilates instructors feel like they don’t know their stuff is because they assume the role of the “expert fixer”. Find out if you fall into this category and how you can use your client as a source of solutions, ideas and energies instead.
  • How to get your client to give you the solutions and answers to the questions they ask. You don’t need to know everything – Just how to ask the right questions to extract the information you need.
  • Discover an ultra-simple way to unlock greater confidence, skill and results for you and your clients.
  • How to identify the 20% that will bring you 80% of the results. The incredibly simple concept that is the heart of all effective rehabilitation and effective exercise training.
  • Pilates instructors and movement professionals must know these three core concepts when working with any client. (Or risk causing further injury and slowing down the rehabilitation process.)
  • How a humble (and often overlooked) exercise is the perfect solution to address the five critical components of rehabilitation. You’ll discover what this type of exercise is, and all five crucial components of rehabilitation. 
  • Why it's critically important to gradually reintroduce load to the healing tissues. And why doing too little or too much can be detrimental to the healing and rehabilitation process.
  • Do you know what the fundamental goal of rehabilitation is? There are three core concepts, and they apply to people who have lost 99% of the function of the affected body part. And for people who have lost only 5% of the normal function. Discover exactly what they are on page 46.
  • Why graded exercise is the perfect tool for restoring full confidence in the injured or painful body part.
  • How to help your clients recover faster when your clients experience an inevitable setback on their journey to recovery.
  • Why simple interventions almost no Pilates instructor or movement professional use can have incredibly complex effects to maximize the results you get for your clients.
  • Avoid the biggest mistake most movement professionals make when programing exercises for their clients. (This is a major factor that slows down the rate of recovery).
  • Always know the EXACT load to use with any client with any injury to help rehabilitate their injury faster. Hint. This is often significantly higher than what you're probably doing.
  • Why isn’t your client getting stronger even with increased reps? Go to page 55 and find out exactly why this happens and the easy solution.
  • Why strengthening exercises that make clients feel uncomfortable is a good thing. (It’s actually a type of behavioral experiment and helps clients trust their body more).
  • One of the biggest mistakes movement professionals make is focusing too much on symptoms and not enough on function. Discover super simple strategies and exercises avoid making this mistake with your clients.
  • Why pain is usually desirable in most situations with most clients.

  • How to always know the right level of pain a client should feel to get the optimal benefit from any exercise you're doing with them.
  • Not getting the results you or your clients are hoping for? Go to page 58 for the six reasons most people fail to get optimal outcomes when using graded exercise.
  • Quickly, predictably and consistently improve your clients' rehabilitation and healing using several easy-to-apply strategies.
  • And much, much more.

Get Everything Above 
Today for 


You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  

Here’s a Taster of What You’ll Discover in Chapter 6 to Chapter 11

  • 3 essential components powering the Whole-Person Framework — based on the 11 pillars of high-quality clinical practices doctors swear by. 
  • These strengthening exercises aren’t exclusive to sports junkies — even your frailest clients can get them right if they follow what you’ll find on Page 80.
  • Why intensity and number of sets are two keywords to NEVER forget — if full client recovery is top on your list.
  • 8 non-exercise factors that are equally — if not more potent than tissue strengthening. 
    (This is perhaps why MOST Pilates instructors get their clients’ regimes wrong—Ignore at your own peril). Page 71.
  • How to cleverly turn client feedback into practical strategies… to tackle the exact non-exercise factors bothering the client. Builds mental resilience too.
  • The exact moment that warns you MUST refer to a mental health specialist ASAP. And how to tell your client in a professional, yet compassionate way.
  • Discover what exactly a therapeutic alliance is — and how the entire rehab process LIVES on it (Hint: It depends 100% on how both YOU and YOUR client trust each other with your shared goals)
  • Master the core of person-centered care… hidden within major guidelines for skeletal muscular pain around the world. (This guarantees you’ll always know what to say when clients ask, ‘Why does my shoulder hurt?’)
  • You don’t need long to grab HALF the answers you need from a client — to design the perfect Pilates regime? Page 40 reveals how.
  • Forced to work with your clients online? Find out how to make online sessions just as deep and powerful as physical therapeutic sessions on Page 44.
  • 3 shockingly-simple steps to build a therapeutic alliance to heal physical and emotional scars. 

  • Tell me your story? Have clients do it… and watch the intense—but extremely mind-blowing feedback after. Page 68 on how to get even the most introverted clients to spill the beans.
  • Easiest way to get most clients to open up? Without furious 2-hour arguments? 
    Do _____ as Page 77 instructs.
  • Why staying silent can turn your most STUBBORN clients into gold-mines of deep intel. (Even if you really want to chip in opinions—hold back. You’ll see why in Page 90.)
  • The sickening truth why blocking off your client’s opinions is WORSE than no therapy at all. (Part of it is because clients may take advice — but they won’t welcome it until you’ve WON their trust)
  • How to weaponize active listening to lock-in on your client’s deepest pains… no matter what answer he or she gives you. Real-life case studies in Page 79.
  • Why self-reflection (and not just parroting your client’s words) is your BEST bet to locking-in on your client’s deepest desires. Works twice as great…even if you get answers wrong. 
  • 53 taboo words every Pilates instructor and movement professional must NEVER say right before their clients’ faces 
  • 4 foolproof questions to expose your clients’ deepest goals — even those forgotten for years! (Fix these…and your sessions will happily hit them on time)
  • How to use past painful experiences to speed up clients’ healing… even those who have avoided seeking help for years! Revealed on Page 84.
  • What to say when clients give you dead-bland answers like ‘I’m here to strengthen my core’ or ‘I’m here to improve my posture’
  • A simple 13-word question to ask any client… use if you seek the TRUE reason behind their visit.

  • Why it’s OK if you can’t stop a client’s pain — no matter how complete your Pilates regime may be. (While it isn’t a goal you can 100% hit every time—check Page 97 for a new plan.)
  • The key skills to build effective therapeutic alliances… with your words alone!

  • How to use listening skills to win over clients’ trust. Quick ways to practice with friends and family — even outside work hours. 
  • How to take the ‘pain’ out of therapy with agony-ridden clients. Smart strategies to help filter between clients with minor hurts, serious conditions and chronic pain. 
  • How to relieve pain and injuries with exercise — without under or overdoing it.  

  • The weird ‘reversal’ tip why pain and injury are often two very DIFFERENT things. Seek out Pages 91-92 to uncover exactly why.
  • The strange nervous mechanism that causes pain — injury present or otherwise. 

  • Research reveals 95% of back pain are NOT triggered by muscle, tendon, bone, ligament or discs issues at the back. Find out the real culprits on Page 93. 
  • Why pain is fueled almost entirely by our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. 

  • Why workplace stress and tensions simply explode — if you burn the midnight oil every night. Grab some evening solutions from Page 90.
  • Bitter thoughts and beliefs flip your pain systems on overdrive. Understand why this happens and how a pessimistic client will most likely lead to worse outcomes.
  • 5 simple routines to build lifetime resilience to pain sensitivity. Suggest these to any client fresh from car or gym accidents — and watch their spirits lighten up.
  • The BEST mark that actually predicts recovery on time. No — not a physical test. Page 96.

  • The exact healing times for 3 of the most common injuries faced by Pilates specialists.

  • The unspoken differences between injury and non-specific pain. Check the table at Page 101…and you’ll be able to tell the difference within seconds.
  • A brilliant way to figure out if the pain triggered by a medical injury… or pain from a total system collapse. Know the difference—and you’ll know if a doctor is to be called. 
  • The ultimate checklist revealing dangerous red flags with injuries. Ask the questions from Page 104 onwards. Plus when you should refer immediately to a doctor.
  • How to use screening for serious medical conditions to comfort clients into obeying every routine you instruct them in the rehabilitation process.
  • An extremely simple script to use every screening session… to boost clients’ confidence and mental resilience.
  • Acute injury on a client — refer to a doctor or physiotherapist? Identify the right one to call on Page 111.
  • Why leaving your client to painfully hobble around on a sprained ankle — might be the most HONEST test of your current regimes. 
  • 3 fundamental degrees of strains — and how to treat each one. More on Page 110.

  • When you MUST refer clients to a physiotherapist — and when you can just continue working with them. (Applies most strongly for acute injury cases).
  • How to unlock the holistic ‘Cup of Resilience’ concept to test your body’s ability in tolerating untold stress. 
  • Cooldown steps for clients in pain during workouts. What to do when the pressure’s on. Page 123.

  • Can painful exercises cure chronic injuries? Astonishing answer on Page 121.

  • The snappy ‘24-Hour Rule’ that tells you instantly if you overdid it with a client who said it hurt during the exercise.
  • The exact steps to nail your clients’ inner worries and physical limits — even before you begin a single hour of rehab (Hint: Most therapists are NOT measuring what they think they are looking at).
  • The only 5 physical exams you’ll ever need to complete clients’ ‘full scope’ profile — every time. Head over to Page 130 for a full overview on what each can do… and can’t.
  • A sad lie told by well-meaning, but misinformed fitness and health pros… that devastates glute activation and worsens back pain. For an alternative approach, check out Page 133.
  • Why diagnostic tests like manual muscle testing are as reliable as a funfair’s crystal ball.

  • 7 guidance tests for back pain patients that actually throw up false signals. Avoid these at all costs—if you hate DEEP scrutiny for the rest of your career! Full details in Page 133.
  • Why you should still run physical tests on clients… even if they can’t predict much and aren’t that useful.
  • The BEST way to run back pain tests-- one of the trickiest conditions to diagnose (Hint: You can forget about testing their core strength. Even if you tried, results will have totally ZERO correlations with potential back pain or future recovery)
  • A simple mental jujitsu you can use to overturn clients’ WRONG beliefs on core strength, posture and other physicals… into the RIGHT mental models overnight.
  • A sneaky one-liner to ask clients so they will tell you exactly if they are worried about core strength. It’s so simple — you will be kicking yourself for being late to the train!
  • The ‘heads you win, tails you win’ strategy to test clients’ core strength with surprisingly high accuracy. As long you follow Page 136, no senior therapist will ever question your results!
  • Why clients (even trained athletes!) often have ZERO ideas if their physicals are 100% normal. Comfort them by showing how their strength posture or flexibility is within normal range. Check out Page 55 for the full framework.
  • How to match the right physical tests with the exact areas — even if all the client shares with you are only complaints of pain.
  • The humbling reason why physical tests actually don’t matter so much. (Part of it is because clients only test to VALIDATE their gravest concerns—not just based on plausible.)
  • How to run tests for clients disabled by post-surgery or any musculoskeletal injuries. Also applies to non-specific pains many therapists actually dismiss.
  • The ‘Hawkeye’ Principle to help your client recover ahead of schedule.

  • What clients really mean when they say ‘I can't do ____?’ (Hint: Once you understand the clues, they silently BEG for you to pick up on, you’ll never plan treatments the same again)
  • Ever had a client say “‘I can’t do this”? Why this spells GOLD for your tests.

  • How to build an ‘ironclad’ baseline for clients that nails down ALL the client intel and regimes you’ll ever need. Skip this step — and the entire rehabilitation process is doomed.
  • The best way to test clients physically to fixed start and end points FAST. (Some therapists claim it’s impossible — given the giant scope of eating and exercise regimes to check in. Page 75 will say different!)
  • How to design top-notch rehab programs… with only a simple graph. Takes weeks of intense planning. And clients will thank you for the smoothest rehab experience ever.
  • And much, much more

Get Everything Above 
Today for 


You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  

Here’s a Sample of What’s Inside Chapters 12 to 18

  • 3 common mistakes even SENIOR movement professionals make for graded exercises.

  • 2 beginner exercises to ‘reset’ the body to peak state.

  • How to avoid these 3 common ‘veteran’ mistakes… uncover the little-known reasons for picking the RIGHT exercise load for clients…exactly when and how to shift clients to their optimal zones to restore even the MOST imbalanced postures to ‘factory settings.’
  • The ‘Goldilocks’ level of Pilates loads to plan for. Empower body tissue to heal and shield against injury like clockwork. (Get it right—and ANY form of rehab will be easy-peasy. Page 154 for full details.)
  • Exactly how quickly you should progress any client — without peeking at another medical checklist. (From Page 160, you’ll realize why it’s best NOT to be a science — and when client progress might be TOO rushed or slow)
  • A plain-Jane regime that chases away persistent non-specific pains… reverses traumatic injuries like muscle tears…silences chronic tendinopathy…even speeds up post-surgical healing for bed-ridden patients!
  • The ‘Sorting Hat’ trick for picking the right amount of load with any client. (While it’s no exact science—and results can vary at times…you will land the right numbers MOST sessions if you follow Page 156)
  • Why it’s OK to make mistakes when raising your client’s load. Keep in mind what Page 157 reveals…and clients will THANK you for your ‘mistake’. 
  • 11 ‘early-warning’ signals to predict nearly every musculoskeletal condition ahead of most clinical checks—even other health issues guilty of adding hurts.
  • A deep dive into why beliefs and emotions can ENSLAVE your physiology — and exactly how to master it enough to empower clients’ future recovery.
  • Wipe out systemic inflammation by just sharing thoughts—crazy? Not so, says Page 170.

  • 10 ‘near-conspiracy’ ways how exercise might deliver sweet pain relief… and the exact forces that give exercise its true kicks. 
  • Can speaking erase pain? Yes — a great deal of it! 5 underused ways to use simple verbal suggestions to cut healing time by half. 
  • 5 effective ways to spice up client exercises. Plus 7 overused routines to TOTALLY abandon — they don’t do the routines even a lick of good.
  • What medical researchers actually mean when they talk specific vs general exercises for shoulder injuries and other chronic conditions.
  • When general exercises actually outperform targeted ones. Latest research agrees with the case studies on Page 165.  
  • Why you don't need to break scapular mechanisms to straighten pain and joint functions.

  • Why shoulder impingement exercises simply do not exist… and why it’s BEST kept that way.

  • Why certain exercises only seem to work for certain clients (Hint: They actually DON’T…you just think they do)
  • Why ‘feeling the burn’ is a FALSE mark of a great workout session — no matter what the gym bros and hustlers rave on. What to look for instead. 
  • Every exercise regime feels the same? 3 keys that lead you to the RIGHT routine… skipping the entire trial-and-error phase that irritates innocent clients. Pages 171-172.
  • The end of the strength vs endurance debate. How to use this to patch up torn muscles and bones…ahead of schedule. 
  • The exact number of repetitions to safely give clients… so even agony-ridden workouts can heal faster with ZERO regressions. (Tip: To get stronger, do 80% of your one-rep maximum even if your client experiences pain)
  • How to plan your strength sessions… without clashing with other routines. 

  • 5 textbook moves to skip in warmups. (They waste time and tear into injuries.) 

  • How many reps to lift — to calculate your one-rep max? Page 175.

  • Why clients must STOP each set exactly 2-3 reps before failure (This means you need to know WHEN they’re near failure…if calling an ambulance after isn’t your thing! More on Page 180.)
  • Why fewer reps improve strength more with less fatigue.

  • Exactly how long to rest between sets… to maximize strength gains and minimize fatigue build-up.

  • Why you should NEVER do both strength and cardio at the same time. Find out the exact length of time to space between strength and cardio for maximum benefits of each.
  • 7 highly effective ways to train for strength — plus 5 more moves to train every muscle of your body in a single session.
  • How to plan your training to mix in strength gain, injury recovery, rehab, fatigue cooldown together… without wearing out your body! Depends how long you trained. Full details in Page 178-179.
  • How many sets to do each week — to keep both maintain and optimize strength.

  • Exactly how many sets senior citizens need to upkeep present strength levels… even if frailty and osteoporosis are close by. (Unsurprisingly: They need to keep strength at MUCH HIGHER levels than even younger adults) 
  • How to combine exercise for strength with range of motion and control — to feed tissue healing the inner energy it hungers for.
  • A deep dive into the 3 stages of tissue healing: Inflammation, Proliferation and Remodeling. You need to get these right before you complete any rehab.
  • Why you should let inflammation run its course after bracing or splinting. You’ll know exactly how long to wait for it to boil over.
  • When to start general exercises for rehab without crashing ANY one of the three tissue healing phases.
  • The absolute best time to fix scar tissue for good… with resistance training and strength.

  • The optimal time for loading tissues with full range of motion. Grants greater strength and flexibility most suited for healing. 
  • 4 no-brainer exercises for early rehab to protect injured parts… 4 more exercises that MUST be scaled up in rehab’s mid-to-late stage. (Mess up their timings…and you undo months or even YEARS of recovery)
  • How to (possibly) escape death in the next 10 years… just by performing the strength routines from Page 180 twice a week. 
  • Why strength training saves more Olympic athletes from sport injuries than it inflicts them.

  • 3 ‘band-buster’ steps to identify the RIGHT resistance level for your rehab client.

  • Stretching—best safeguard against injuries? Wrong… Medical sport reviews say stretching does NOTHING of that sort. Why stretch? Answer on Page 191.
  • 6 types of stretching for non-gymnasts and 5 more ways to master flexibility without fancy equipment with complex carriages or ropes. 
  • Exactly how long you need to stretch per week… before your joints start giving out.

  • How to combine stretching and strengthening by programming load through full range. Enhances strength and range of motion. 
  • How to build clients’ neuromotor controls with the sneaky art of distraction. Plus 3 strategies to help clients to outlearn peers for movement skills—backed by new research.
  • The ‘Code Purple’ protocol to follow if your client experiences pain during rehabilitation. Also reveals exactly how much pain is TOO much—even if the client doesn’t yell it out.
  • A super simple tool that shows you the PERFECT exercise to hit the right intensity… like a dart on bullseye. 
  • Discover the little-discussed secrets of the exercise toolbox… and how it progressively raises the load without shredding your muscles outright.
  • Real-life case studies on how to correct and effectively use all 8 parts of the toolbox work with the lower body.
  • How to use the toolbox to destroy the ‘whoops… wrong exercise’ excuse. Exactly how many reps to finish during and after regular sets—no matter WHAT equipment you pick for clients.
  • 22 ‘turncoat’ exercises for leg strength you can adopt for any client… 40 exercises to reinforce torso-- including flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion strength…23 more exercises to bulk up your arms and shoulders-- including horizontal push strength, horizontal pull strength vertical push strength, vertical pole strength.
  • The only 9 core strength exercises you’ll ever need for your program. Exactly how many sets to finish for each one every week…how long to rest between each set. 
  • How to eliminate troublesome non-exercise factors that make general health worse without your clients realizing what you’re doing.
  • The ‘Workbook of Pain’ that assesses your clients’ entire wellbeing from ground up — including their most private social activities and mental demons. 
  • A step-by-step plan for using the Workbook with any and every client… to interpret their answers with full confidence.
  • Pain triggers—which body part is guilty now? Or something else? Find out on Page 224.

  • Why getting nervous system hypersensitivity RIGHT is almost as good as a shortcut to discovering pain triggers—and identifying if it’s a real danger at all.
  • How to use the Workbook to design healthy habits to build psychological resilience for a lifetime. Exactly how to balance both stress and productivity—almost like a Jedi.
  • How to identify external risk factors for pain… and rid them for good.

  • Why interpersonal strategies for psychological resilience can never be ignored… as long you live in a community of human beings.
  • Why confronting your not-so-enthusiastic clients in the best thing you can do. (Hint: Research reveals practitioner beliefs and attitudes actually shift your client’s decisions. That means you can expect the session to fall flat… if YOU think your client will slack off.)
  • The single most powerful move to empower your client’s mental resilience… that matches best with their physical progress.
  • The Samson-like truth enforcing the fearlessness you need to work with clients.

  • How to BUILD true fearlessness from ground zero — even in client meetings. Once you understand how wonderfully strong and resilience human bodies are…you will abandon all fears of movement. Mastering anatomy is key.
  • 5 subtle ways to fuel your clients’ expectations of recovery… with a mysterious self-prophecy that speeds up healing
  • 7 not-so-direct ways to help clients set goals… and ensure they DO reach them on time. 

  • Why retelling past tales of glory will turn the most defeated and unenthusiastic clients into victors who will NEVER leave a single physical regime unfinished.
  • 5 red-flag signs you need to refer a client to a health professional. Plus, how to approach this subject without insulting the client to his face See page 233. 
  • How to make it as close to certain your clients will stick with the program.

  • Why it's painfully important you open and honest with your client when they start doing things that slow their prognosis. 
  • 4 fast, easy and proven ways to help clients stay sniper-focused on their treatment plans. 

  • Why you should talk to your client like they’re a 9-year-old child even with especially with those with advanced degrees and PhDs. This is the best way to remove misunderstandings when you talk diagnosis, prognosis or other treatments options.
  • Overdiagnosis—a lethal mistake where you may diagnose an injury correctly, but point out symptoms that were NEVER present. To counter that, ask clients the questions from Page 237.
  • The perfect amount of time you should sleep each night. Sleep earlier or later—and mortality might knock sooner. Discover the exact ‘sweet period’ for sleep.
  • The uncanny way chronic sleep loss makes you MORE sensitive to pain… it may be able to PREDICT physical pain outright. For full details, see Page 220. 
  • 3 of the most effective interventions for a good night’s rest. Also why pre-bedtime habits like evening baths, melatonin pills and exercises do next to nil for sleep quality.
  • How to truly study anatomy and find deep insights on the body’s works… where biology teachers from high school to college sadly failed to get right.
  • How anyone can learn, understand and master anatomy quite easily. I show you the exact ‘active recall’ strategy to use with a rhomboids case study on Page 251. 
  • The only mind trick you’ll ever need to imprint the ENTIRE action of any movement into your memory — or any other anatomy facts—for the rest of your career. I’ll show you how using the rhomboid as an example.
  • How to connect the dots in your mind between anatomy, biomechanics and movement and how they all work together as one almost instantly.
  • Harsh reality: Most injuries and medical conditions will be given NO additional special considerations by therapists. Uncover the little-known rights post-surgical patients deserve to know about.
  • An entire master-list of the different body parts in the spine, upper extremity and lower extremity areas for various conditions with their special considerations vital for the rehab process. Page 261.
  • How to implement the Whole Person Framework with existing clients.

  • 10 unorthodox—but highly effective strategies my most successful students use to apply the Whole Person Framework with existing clients.
  • Why the ‘ONE strategy’ approach will lock in your framework with clients swiftly… without a single word of complaint.
  • How to introduce (and get your client’s permission) to use Whole Person Framework for the rest of their sessions.
  • Step-by-step guide on exactly how to apply the Whole Person Framework once a client gives you permission to do so. (Hint: It starts with a graded exercise before you break out your toolbox… and slowly raise the load)
  • How to use your toolbox assessments as a warm-up to seamlessly transition your client into more graded exercises. Do this by framing it as a challenge… or an invite. Full steps from Page 267.
  • Why using just ONE of the strategies that feels the easiest and most natural for you… almost guarantees peak results for everyone (As long you use the Whole Person Framework).
  • And much, much more

Get Everything Above 
Today for 


You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  


Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting When You Order Now

  • (1) Strengthen the Person Not Just The Body Part Book that will take you on a deep dive into how to apply the 3-step Whole Person Framework with any client with any injury in any situation – Value $9.99.
  • (2) Strengthen the Person, Not Just The Body Part Audiobook – I personally narrate the book which you’ll get as an MP3 file so you can listen while doing the dishes, walking the dog or driving to the studio – Value $19.99.
  • (3) Lifetime Access to our International Pilates Community – Meet other likeminded Pilates instructors around the world, find your tribe and work together towards the common goal of helping your clients recover faster! Never feel alone again – Value – Priceless.
Access to the community session alone would cost $49/month or $588 per year. In calculating the total value of $729 I’ve only counted a single month of the community session access.

I want you to join the weekly sessions for 5 or even 10 years. (That’s literally worth thousands)
Strengthen the Person, Not Just the Body Part is based on the in-depth, full year Diploma of Clinical Pilates which students pay USD $10,000 to join.

You can get lifetime access to The Whole Person Implementation Program and all the bonuses and lifetime access to the weekly community calls for a one-time payment of USD $4.99

The price for Strengthen the Person AND Lifetime Access to our International Pilates Community is just a one-time payment of $4.99.

I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a ridiculously low price for the value you’re getting.

The book gives you everything you’ll need to start applying the evidence-based Whole Person Framework, the International Pilates Community helps you find your tribe and the live sessions give ongoing support.

Let me 100% transparent about my intentions:
  • 1.  I truly care about help Pilates instructors and movement professionals gain a deep understanding of how the body works. The best way is to provide ongoing support.
  • 2. My team and I have helped over 3000 people like you transform their careers inside my internationally recognized one-year Diploma of Clinical Pilates, and I’m certain it will do the same for you too. (I’m so certain, in fact, that I actually guarantee it will work) 
  • 3. At some point in the future I’d like you to consider joining the Diploma of Clinical Pilates.
Your digital copy of Strengthen the Person will be delivered to your inbox immediately.

You’ll also get details on how and when to join the International Pilates Community and the weekly live sessions in your inbox too. 

Plus what you need to do to submit questions if you can’t attend live because of other commitments or time zones)

Here’s my personal promise to you

I’ve been helping Pilates Instructors and movement professionals for over two decades, and I can say with complete confidence that this works.

If you follow the system, you will really understand how the body works so you can confidently and skillfully help people with injuries.

You get access to Strengthen the Person Not Just The Body Part book based on the 3-step Whole Person Framework.

You get access to the easy-to-follow, step-by-step blueprint showing you exactly how to apply the principles you’ll learn.

This allows you to visualize what’s happening in the body and work together with your client to give the best possible outcome.

You get access to our weekly community sessions as ongoing support indefinitely. Whenever you feel stuck or need a little inspiration (or even just to hang out and talk Pilates with other like-minded people), you can do it.

The Whole Person Framework is distilled from over 6000 scientific papers and clinical guidelines (you’ll find over 30 pages of references inside the book).

I’ve personally helped over 10,000 Pilates Instructors and Movement Professionals use the Whole Person Framework.

Bottom line: It’s proven to work.

And I personally guarantee you’ll feel like you really understand how the body works to get the best possible outcome with any clients if you apply the concepts inside this program.

Which is why I’m giving you a 365-day no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

You have a full year to go through everything and join 52 weekly community sessions.
If you’re not 110% satisfied with your purchase for any reason (or no reason at all), simply email my team at for a full refund anytime within the next 365 days.
You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  

Are You Ready to Become the Best Version of Yourself So You Can Truly, Genuinely and Authentically Help You Clients Achieve Remarkable Results?

If you don’t take action today, what do you plan to do instead?

You could keep guessing every time you’re with a client.

You could invest significantly more than this Implementation Program into a weekend certificate where you never feel like you can apply what you learned.

Or perhaps you’re worried you’ll fail - that it won’t make sense to you. Maybe it won’t; but if you don’t engage with it, there is 100% chance it won’t make sense. 

And there’s that 100% money-back guarantee because I know it WILL make sense to you.

Because if you’re truly ready to become the best Pilates instructor or movement professional you’re capable of becoming…So you really understand your stuff and can help any client with any injury…
Without ever having to second guess yourself, feeling like an imposter or a fraud…

Then what are you waiting for?

You will have all the evidence-based tools, lifetime access to weekly support and 365 days to test the program to see if it’s right for you.

See you on the inside!

 In Case You Scrolled All The Way To The Bottom…Here’s a Recap of Everything You’re Getting Lifetime Access to Inside Strengthen The Person For a One-Time Payment of $4.99

  • 1. Strengthen the Person Not Just The Body Part Book that will take you on a deep dive into how to apply the 3-step Whole Person Framework with any client with any injury in any situation – Value $9.99.
  • 2. Strengthen the Person, Not Just The Body Part Audiobook – I personally narrate the book which you’ll get as an MP3 file so you can listen while doing the dishes, walking the dog or driving to the studio – Value $19.99.
  • 3. Lifetime Access to our International Pilates Community – Meet other likeminded Pilates instructors around the world, find your tribe and work together towards the common goal of helping your clients recover faster! Never feel alone again – Value – Priceless.
Access to the community session alone would cost $49/month or $588 per year. In calculating the total value of $729 I’ve only counted a single month of the community session access.

I want you to join the weekly sessions for 5 or even 10 years. (That’s literally worth thousands)

Strengthen the Person, Not Just the Body Part is based on the in-depth, full year Diploma of Clinical Pilates which students pay USD $10,000 to join.

You can get lifetime access to The Whole Person Implementation Program and all the bonuses and lifetime access to the weekly community calls for a one-time payment of USD $4.99.

The Surprisingly Simple Guide to Rehabilitating Any Injury And Feeling More Genuine as a Movement Professional

After helping 10,000s of Pilates clients and instructors over the years, I noticed the quality of treatment and outcomes was significantly higher when you focus on the whole body.

The strength of the relationships both myself and the instructors and movement professionals improved too.

We started to noticed faster recoveries and a higher level of mental and emotional clarity in the process too. Bottom line: Treating the whole person holistically had far better outcomes both physically and in our clients lives.

Almost all the 3000+ instructors and movement professionals we’ve helped inside our Diploma of Clinical Pilates say this method has transformed their careers and lives.

I can’t claim to have invented the process. But I’ve invested huge amounts of time distilling the core principles from countless scientific studies into an easy to use 3-step process anyone can follow.

(The book has 218 references to papers published in acclaimed and respected journals covering almost 30 pages).

The old view in the medical world of treating the individual body part or take this specific drug to help with that specific pain is changing.

Scientific literature is starting to show a more holistic approach to care, rehabilitation and well-being is far more effective.

(Like how your client’s expectation of a poor outcome makes them 92% more likely to experience a poor outcome).

I’ve written Strengthen the Person to show you exactly how you can help your clients recover faster while improving their mental, emotional and psychological well-being too.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and I’m certain you’ll experience a transformation in the way you help your clients as you gain a deep understanding of how the body works.

Take full advantage of the weekly live sessions you’ll get and hangout with a global community of Pilates instructors and movement professionals like yourself.

And let me help and guide you all the way through the process.

See you inside the community session!


Get Your Copy Right Now for Just $4.99

And Get All 6 Bonuses For FREE…

No Questions Asked

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Here’s My Promise...

Here’s a simple promise. Try the book and the bonuses for 1 full year.

And if you’re not satisfied for ANY reason…

Just send my team an email ( and we’ll refund you the full purchase price within 7 days.

This Is a One-Year Guarantee

That means you have 365 days to go through the book and all the bonuses before you decide if you find it valuable. What you see on this page is what you’ll discover inside the book.

I guarantee you’ll find it incredibly valuable.

If you’re not satisfied with the book for any reason, let us know so I can send you a full refund.
You’ll get the Strengthen the Person Book as a PDF & Mobi File, an MP3 Audiobook plus lifetime access to our International Pilates Community, Weekly Live Sessions & all the recordings for a one-time payment of $4.99.  

Raphael BenderI Inspire People To Move
My name is Raphael Bender, I’m an exercise physiologist, Pilates instructor and educator. I first certified as a fitness trainer in 1998 and I’ve been a full-time movement professional since then.

Since 2016 I’ve run a company called Breathe Education, we certify Pilates instructors in our comprehensive program, and teach movement professionals to implement the Whole Person Framework in our Diploma of Clinical Pilates. All our training is 100% online, and our team is distributed around the world.

My personal mission is to empower Pilates instructors, yoga teachers, fitness trainers, exercise physiologists and physiotherapists with evidence-based information and critical thinking skills so they can become more successful, skilled and satisfied and ultimately practice their profession in a more genuine way.

I live in Melbourne, Australia with my wife Julie and daughter Bintu.

I’m a dog person and a coffee person. I’m an introvert. I can’t touch my toes. I like lifting heavy things, running, riding my bicycle and sharing science with people.

Raphael Bender
I Inspire People To Move
Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

My name is Raphael Bender, I’m an exercise physiologist, Pilates instructor and educator. I first certified as a fitness trainer in 1998 and I’ve been a full-time movement professional since then.

Since 2016 I’ve run a company called Breathe Education, we certify Pilates instructors in our comprehensive program, and teach movement professionals to implement the Whole Person Framework in our Diploma of Clinical Pilates. All our training is 100% online, and our team is distributed around the world.

My personal mission is to empower Pilates instructors, yoga teachers, fitness trainers, exercise physiologists and physiotherapists just like you, with evidence-based information and critical thinking skills so you can become more successful, skilled and satisfied, and ultimately practice your profession in a more genuine way.

I live in Melbourne, Australia with my wife Julie and daughter Bintu.

I’m a dog person and a coffee person. I’m an introvert. I can’t touch my toes. I like lifting heavy things, running, riding my bicycle and sharing science with people.


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  • What Is Causing Your Pain Workbook

  • Graded Exercise Toolbox

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  • Everything You Need To Know About Strength Training On One Page
  • How To Learn Anatomy So You Actually Understand It Video Training
  • Anatomy & Biomechanics Of The Rotator Cuff And Rotator Cable Video Training

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